
Posted by ~Elunes Grace~

Can finally post once more. And a few more weapons have been brought out since my last post. So that's what I will explain about here. First of all we have decided to bring swords to you! That's right swords! Spell Fire enabled swords to be exact, and not only that, they are great for role players! Let me explain.

Not only do you have a great sword that is good for role playing with, but even better is once you have purchased the sword you have to craft the sword using the spell fire anvil and their resources! All resources can be found at Stone Keep!

So we have brought out two new swords! They are now up for sale in our mainstore but not yet up for sale on our marketplace store. First we have the Spirit Point blade, this blade is a high damage blade made from gold and diamonds to make it indestructible! Only 400L$

Our next sword is the Steel Blade of Deception! A powerful Steel blade that can be used to take down any of your foe's! This sword is a low 350$L


Another thing we have added into each of our products is the Elunes Grace HUD! When you wear this HUD you will see on you have 4 buttons to press. 1- the Elunes Grace mainstore landmark! 2- the Elunes Grace blogger site! 3- the Elunes Grace twitter site! and 4- the Elunes Grace group joiner button! Most of our products in our store have the HUD in the box but none of the products on our market place have the HUD. Future products however will. And once more you could go ahead to our mainstore and purchase the HUD from there for 1$L.

Last but not least we would like to thank everyone for their support and also to let you know that we will be bringing out more swords for your role play enjoyment including some double ended swords! And also coming in the future are the bows and poler arms as well as dual swords! So keep your eyes peeled for those and much more!

This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 10 at 06:09 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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