April Catalog and more  

Posted by ~Elunes Grace~

Another day and more new items have come! But more importantly I have created a catalog for all our April merchandise! I have not put it up for purchase just yet, but I will be doing that shortly along with our swords on my market place store. The catalog will go up for 0L$ and shows pictures of everything that we created last month! Please note that I did put things in the catalog (the swords and staff) because these were made last month but only put up for sale this month.

Abelladonna, our daughter, and Elunes Grace sales rep, has agreed to bring out products for children and teen avatars that will go up for sale on her market place, she will have her own section at our new mainstore once it has been created (or when our current mainstore is upgraded). Her items will also be fantasy and medieval. She will also be posting on our blog(this blog) and twitter, to keep you guys updated. Her market place store will be created within the next few hours.

Keep your eyes out for new updates and more coming out today!


This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 10 at 16:10 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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