New Store, In sickness & in Health  

Posted by ~Elunes Grace~

So as you last heard the family had fallen ill and so production on items had come to a halt! Well there is some good news, I am almost back to picture perfect health, the girls aren't however, but that has not stopped us from doing what we do best. We searched around for some stores and found a little store and set up shop, no it is not our new mainstore as it is far to small, but it is a stall non the less. We found a market within a role play community and thought it a great place to set up shop! We don't have many of our products up for sale but we do have our best sellers up! I will attach the SURL below! 

Also in our days of sickness we were sculpty hunting, looking for very specific sculpts to put in our builds, but unfortunatley couldn't find, but what we did find is a great in world sculpt maker! and so we have been doing our best to learn how to use it so we can create all the sculpts we want! Isabelleh has come up with a great collection of sculpts that she will be bringing out, but I can't tell you much about it. Abelladonna, unfortunatley has not done anything, as her sickness has given her 'the worlds ending' attitude.

More updates will be brought out soon but till then enjoy your second life!


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