Kiity Dream House  

Posted by ~Elunes Grace~

Abelladonna has been hit by the Kitty addiction! At first she made a small house like the one in the last posts to fit her 4 kittens, but then she found a place selling kitten baskets for only 50L$ and since she has birthed her 8 kitten boxes she needed more room, she was trying to think of something to build and came up with the Kitty Dream House! Which can only be purchased from our in world store and only for a limited time as she want to keep this item unique, she posted about it in the KittyCats forum, and has sold a few copies, but she wants people to enjoy it before time runs out and she takes it off the shelves! It is made up of 22 prims and it purrfect for any kitty lover, You can read what she posted on the forum 
> here <  or skip that and go see it in world ^_^


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