Elunes Grace - Opening  

Posted by ~Elunes Grace~ in , , , ,

Thank you for checking out our all new updates blog! This blog has been made to bring updates to follwers of the Elunes Grace group in Second Life™. At Elunes Grace we offer medieval and fantasy buildings, weapons and more! Elunes Grace is owned by both Malfuryon Resident & Isabelleh Resident, and was founded by the happy couple. Their daughter, Abelladonna Resident is the mainstore sales rep and can answer any questions you may have. Below you will find a link to Malfuryon's online store and Isabelleh's online store as well as the SURL to the Elunes Grace mainstore!

Joining the Elunes Grace group in world will not just get you updates and customer service but also a monthly freebie will be given out to all members, the monthly freebie will not be able to be purchased in world.

Elunes Grace also makes monthly collectables! Last months monthly collectable was the Barbarian Village, which includes a wide variety of products that all come together to make one big beautiful Barbaric Village which is great for any role player, Each item in the collection is both copy and modify, except the spell fire enabled healing shrine, but in the Barbarian Village (PACK) you receive both a spell fire enabled shrine and a non spell fire enabled shrine! The non spell fire enabled shrine is both copy and mod while the spell fire enabled is just copy! Buying each piece of the collection separately does work, but if you buy the complete collection you receive bonus items!

This months collectable is still not yet complete as the month is not yet over, it has only just begun! The Angelic Collection! Features amazing buildings with stunning designs and architecture, each build comes together to make one large amazing temple area! Every product within the Angelic Collection is copy and modify. You can buy each piece separately, or buy the complete collection (when it is up for sale) and receive bonus items! We will keep you updated on this product!

At Elunes Grace we believe in Value for purchase and Customer Care! That is why when you buy from Elunes Grace you don't get some silly empty promise that we will always be there to help you, what you do get is a guarantee that we will do everything in our power to help you with your product and your purchase! Below you will fine links to each of our online stores, as well as the SURL to our mainstore in Second Life™.

Isabelleh's Online Store - COMING SOON

This entry was posted on Sunday, May 8 at 02:12 and is filed under , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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