
Posted by ~Elunes Grace~

Some changes are happening within Elunes Grace, Isabelleh and I have been working very hard to come up with some great designs for items to bring out to the public! We will be opening up a new large store for these items . We won't be completed for a few days as we are still creating, but when we have finished I will put an SURL to our newest store. I can't yet tell you what our new products entail but what I can tell you is that you will love it.

Unfortunately we have not yet put out any new items up for sale as our new project is keeping us very busy, but I will let you know if we do end up putting anything new up for sale. I am also working on a new Elunes grace HUD for the store landmarks and what not, the newer version will include landmarks to all our stores around the SLworld and much more little perks!

For now I will leave you with some SURLS, to our mainstore, to a great stable (if you like breedables) and a link to my online store. 
Thank you everyone for all your support!


This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 17 at 01:31 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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