A Partner Store?  

Posted by ~Elunes Grace~

Well it has been a long time since we have had some news to share with you! So I have written out this update! First of all we have a lot of new sculpts that we will be bringing to the store within the next few weeks! Some of these sculpts include ruins and some I just won't tell you about because they are just that good! Another new piece of information is our new partner store! Abelladonna (our daughter) has opened up her own store! It is not Elunes Grace, and she does not sell sculpts or anything remotely close! Instead she sells Poses! For singles, couples, ground and soon Wedding couples! The name is this store is ~Perfect Posture~ or {P-P} It is open now and can be found on the top floor of the Elunes Grace main store! I will add the SURL to the store at the bottom of this post! Unfortunately she has not put up many poses but all the poses she currently has up for sale are only 100L each! Their are pose balls in the store so that you can try before you buy as well!! Sadly their is no marketplace for these poses just yet as she is looking for the right packaging for her products but I will be glad to inform you when she does have a market place! Below you will be able to find the SLURL to her store were you can find all her great poses!


Fae Healing Mound  

Posted by ~Elunes Grace~

As promised we have brought out a new product! The fae Healing Mound! Like all our other healing shrines this has to be built which makes it great for avid role players! We have made a video which shows how to build it and also what it looks like in world. The way to build it also describes how to build all our healing shrines! The link to the video is below as well as a link to our mainstore and the Healing Mound online!


A new item  

Posted by ~Elunes Grace~

A new item will be coming out shortly! We have been working pretty hard on this item making all the sculpts for it. My daughter Abelladonna has come up with the idea but asked me to build it for her! And so within a few hours, maybe less, we will be bringing out a new item and we will be telling you all about it in our next post! We will also be post a video of the item up on YouTube as a sort of, see before you buy!


Kitty Dream House Collection  

Posted by ~Elunes Grace~

Abella has finished her Kitty Dream House collection! She has added one last piece, The Welcome Mat!
Only 25L$ and made up of 15 prims! The Welcome Mat is the final addition to the Kitty Dream house collection, Which can only be purchased at our mainstore and only for a limited time! One week!! I have added a link below to the forum were she explains a little about the Welcome Mat!!


More for kitties  

Posted by ~Elunes Grace~

Abella has been working hard today and has created 2 extensions to her Kitty Dream House! A pool pack and the kitty cats convertable! You can purchase these only from our in world store and only for a limited time!! Read more about it > Here < or skip that and go straight to The Store!


Kiity Dream House  

Posted by ~Elunes Grace~

Abelladonna has been hit by the Kitty addiction! At first she made a small house like the one in the last posts to fit her 4 kittens, but then she found a place selling kitten baskets for only 50L$ and since she has birthed her 8 kitten boxes she needed more room, she was trying to think of something to build and came up with the Kitty Dream House! Which can only be purchased from our in world store and only for a limited time as she want to keep this item unique, she posted about it in the KittyCats forum, and has sold a few copies, but she wants people to enjoy it before time runs out and she takes it off the shelves! It is made up of 22 prims and it purrfect for any kitty lover, You can read what she posted on the forum 
> here <  or skip that and go see it in world ^_^


Two New Items!  

Posted by ~Elunes Grace~

So as we said Abella did have an idea for a new item! And it went from one to two! So we have two new items up for sale, The kitty Palace and the Kitty stand! They were both build by abella BUT I had to sculpt them so I am stated as the creator. We have the two videos down below if you are interested in watching, and the links to the store to buy them and also a link to our mainstore :)  Enjoy


No new items?  

Posted by ~Elunes Grace~

Unfortunatley yes we have been a bit slow to bringing out new and exciting items. We have just been very busy with creating the monthly freebie! Which is almost done, but I did hear Abella thinking of making something for Kitties so hopefully I wasn't just hearing things! We would like to thank everyone for your support! We will have new items up for sale ASAP!

New Ietm && Tube  

Posted by ~Elunes Grace~

We have been very busy since last night, we did promise you a new product in hours, but sadly got distracted and forgot to put it up. But now it is up for sale! And we even made a YouTube for our products, and our new product is the first video! The Meeroo home! As many know Meeroos are very popular and we have been asked a lot to make something for them, and so we have made these sculpt maps for everyone to enjoy! 5 full perm sculpt maps that make up a 12 prim home! We hope you all enjoy it! Link for our YouTube is below, link to the product online and the mainstore SLURL below as well. Enjoy :)


Bunny Nest Rack  

Posted by ~Elunes Grace~

Well we have had a lot of requests for  a rack much like our popular horse bundle rack, but for Bunny Nests! So after a few horse of sculpting we are proud to bring you just that! The sculpted Bunny Nest Rack! Made up from 2 sculpt maps and a total of 5 prims! The rack is great for stable areas were you have low prim usage or even on your own private property! Since it is a set of sculpts it costs 350L$ and you can find it in our sculpt store (link below) or in world at our mainstore (slurl below) We hope you enjoy this product! Don't forget to join our in world group for the monthly freebie :)
(please remember to leave a review if you purchase from our store)

